A Conspectus of A. N. Whitehead’s Metaphysics
by Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes

- A system of panpsycho-panentheism.
- i.e. a panpsychism: that all entities have sentience (or, ‘proto-sentience’), combined with a panentheism: that God is nature and more.
- Whitehead calls his system the ‘Philosophy of Organism’; it is also known as ‘Process Philosophy’.
- Every entity is an organism, encapsulated in his sentence:
- ‘Biology is the study of the larger organisms; whereas physics is the study of the smaller organisms.’ (SMW, ch. VI)
- It is known as Process Philosophy because in actuality there are no static substances, but only events, occasions, processes.
- Every entity is an organism, encapsulated in his sentence:
- The smallest processes are called ‘actual occasions’, or ‘actual entities’.
- These are drops of experience that constitute nature (cf. William James).
- Actual entities are perspectives on the world, analogous to Leibniz’s monads. They are transitory: they become and they perish.
- The process of an actual entity is called a concrescence that involves an initial subjective aim to create that actual entity, a prehension of other actual entities, a subjective aim that conduces a decision, and a satisfaction that completes the process.
- An initial subjective aim is bequeathed by the panentheistic God (see below) that sets off an experiential perspective.
- An actual entity prehends other actual entities, but not in the traditional relation of representation-to-object but rather as part-to-whole.
- i. e. the prehension of an actual entity is the actual inclusion of that other actual entity within itself. This fusion is called vectoring. There is no absolute subject-object dichotomy. (cf. Henri Bergson)
- The type of qualia (and other objects) that actual entities employ for their prehensions are called ‘eternal objects’. These are metaphysical ‘pure potentials’ and subsist within a realm of ‘God’ (see below).
- Prehensions can be positive or negative, physical or conceptual:
- Positive prehensions are of what is included in the actual entity.
- Negative prehensions reject entities and concepts for inclusion.
- Physical prehensions are of other actual entities.
- Conceptual prehensions are of eternal objects alone.
- There are also impure and hybrid prehensions which are combinations of the above.
- An actual entity is determined by past prehensions, but is also to varying extents self-determined through its subjective aim that strives for experiential aesthetic intensity.
- There is thus efficient causality in the inheritance of the prehensions of actual entities, and final causation (teleology) in the subjective aim of actual entities.
- Actual entities in aggregate are called nexūs, and if the nexūs share a common characteristic they are called societies.
- An electron is an example of a society, as is an atom, molecule and crystal.
- Whitehead adopts a dual-aspect theory whereby external appearance correlates to internal experience.
- What are traditionally named ‘organisms’ are complex societies.
- These high-grade societies ‘transmute’ a plurality of incoming prehensions into an abstracted unity for ease of comprehension. Common human sense perception is an example thereof.
- There are two main species of human perception: perception in the mode of causal efficacy (PMCE) and perception in the mode of presentational immediacy (PMPI):
- PMPI is commonly identified with all perception, being that from the five senses.
- PMCE is the less distinct yet more ubiquitous internal experience of the actions and experiences of the past and concurrent surroundings flowing into the present.
- Our actual perception is the combination of these two, a combination named ‘perception in the mixed mode of symbolic reference‘.
- God is vital for the operations of Whitehead’s system. (S)He has two natures: the primordial and the consequent:
- The primordial nature of God (PNG) is the realm of eternal objects.
- The eternal objects are ingressed into all our experiences thereby determining the qualitative type of the experience.
- The consequent nature of God (CNG) is the pantheistic unity of all experiences drawn into one higher consciousness.
- PNG is unconscious; CNG is conscious.
- The primordial nature of God (PNG) is the realm of eternal objects.
- God bestows the initial subjective aim for an actual entity as a lure for its concresence and the experiential intensity it evokes.
- It is God’s purpose to enjoy the experiential intensities S(H)e provokes.
- God is not omnipotent as actual entities and their societies have their own teleology.
- God is not omniscient because the future does not yet exist because novelty emerges from actualities via their subjective aim and the infinity of eternal objects.
- God is not omnibenevolent because morality is subordinate to aesthetic appreciation which is God’s desire.
- (Thus ‘God’ is perhaps a misnomer.)
- Above Actual Entities and God, the third main tenet of Whitehead’s cosmology is Creativity.
- God conditions creativity but it is beyond His control.
- All but the PNG is subject to flux, to process, to novelty, to creativity.
- Matter evolves as well as ‘organisms’, the laws of nature change, even the three dimensions of our extensive epoch will pass into history and in its place a cosmos of unimaginable difference will rise.
Video rendition: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIj2-lSnQ5M
PDF on Academia.edu: www.academia.edu/23885796/A_Conspectus_of_A._N._Whiteheads_Metaphysics
For my public article on Whitehead’s philosophy in Philosophy Now magazine (#114) – click here.
My Notes on Whitehead’s process philosophy for Undergraduate Class: http://www.philosopher.eu/texts/1248-2/
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